Leider kommt es derzeit zu Ausfällen des Kontomanagers. Wir arbeiten an einer raschen Behebung, damit er Ihnen in Kürze wieder uneingeschränkt zur Verfügung steht. 

Hey, we’re eety!

We’re committed to low-cost plans, flexible packages and transparent cost control. And you won’t find any service fees, activation fees or contractual obligations here. Instead, you will find attractive obligation-free plans that are characterized by low-cost phone calls, text messages and internet surfing in Austria and abroad.

Secure one of eety’s low-cost plans

Online: Simply order your SIM card with the desired plan online  and we’ll deliver directly to your door. Our plans are valid for 30 days and renew automatically if you have enough credit.

Outlet: You can get your BASIS starter set at authorized dealers, Pagro, Libro, Billa, Bipa, tobacconists and filling stations throughout Austria. A list of retail outlets is available here. The BASIS plan is billed according to usage. You can easily switch to your preferred plan in the eety account manager after you buy the starter set.

You can book data options at any time if you ever need a little more data.

Registering your SIM card

Your SIM card is registered online. Log on with your eety phone number and PUK code. You can then choose between three identification options:

Bank identification
For identification via your bank, you need a bank account in Austria with online banking enabled. Simply enter your online banking information. (eety neither reads nor stores these data.)

Photographic identification
This process simply involves you identifying yourself by taking a picture of your photographic identification (passport, identity card or driving license). A smartphone with camera function is needed for this.

Cell phone signature/citizen’s card/ID Austria
The citizen’s card or cell phone signature is a free legally valid electronic signature and equivalent to a handwritten signature.

Need help with registering? Our authorized dealers in your area will be pleased to assist. Please don’t forget to take valid identification (identity card, driving license or passport) as well as your eety SIM card and the PUK code with you for the registration process. Dealers may charge a fee for this service.

Tip: You can register in the ‘My eety’ app, too, which also gives you permanent access to your plan’s main settings.

Regularly top-up your credit

It’s easy to top-up your credit online at www.eety.at/aufladen, in the ‘My eety’ app or with a top-up voucher. Please remember that you should always top-up your credit within 30 days to renew the tariff package. If you don’t have enough credit to renew the tariff package, then you will use the BASIS plan automatically and be charged according to usage. But there’s no need to worry, we’ll remind you of plan renewals in good time by text message.

The easiest solution: Automatic top-ups
Automatic top-ups mean you don’t have to give the next top-up a second thought because the required credit is topped up automatically and your tariff package renewed. All you need is a credit card:

  1. Log on to the account manager at selfcare.eety.at or in the ‘My eety’ app.
  2. Select the ‘Guthaben’ [credit] menu item.
  3. If you have the BASIS plan:
    • Enter the minimum amount that your credit should be.
    • Choose a top-up amount of EUR 10 or EUR 20.
    • As soon as your credit reaches the minimum amount, EUR 10 or EUR 20 will be topped up automatically.
  4. For all other plans:
    • Credit will be topped up automatically according to the cost of the plan.
  5. Enter your credit card’s number [‘Kartennummer’], expiry date [‘gültig bis’] and verification number (on the back of it) [‘Prüfnummer’].
  6. Confirm by clicking on the ‘Automatisch Aufladen aktivieren und jetzt abbuchen’ [enable automatic top-ups and debit now] button.

Topping up once online

  1. Select ‘einmalig aufladen’ [top-up once]at  www.eety.at/aufladen.
  2. Choose the desired amount.
  3. Enter the phone number for which the credit should be topped up in the first two fields (‘Telefonnummer’ [phone number] and ‘Nummer wiederholen’ [repeat number]).
  4. Choose between credit card/debit card (pre-selected) and Klarna (= payment via bank account).
  5. If you pay by credit card/debit card, enter your credit card’s number [‘Kartennummer’], expiry date [‘gültig bis’] and verification number (on the back of it) [‘Prüfnummer’].
  6. Confirm by clicking the ‘Guthaben jetzt aufladen’ [top-up credit now] button.

Topping up with a top-up voucher:

You can buy eety top-up vouchers at one of our many top-up voucher outlets. You can redeem a top-up voucher online, on your cell phone or by phone.

Redeeming top-up vouchers online

  1. Select the ‘Guthaben aufladen’ [top-up credit] menu item at eety.at.
  2. Click on ‘mit Ladebon’ [with top-up voucher].
  3. Enter the phone number for which the credit should be topped up in the first two fields (‘Telefonnummer’ [phone number] and ‘Nummer wiederholen’ [repeat number]).
  4. Type the 16-digit top-up voucher number in the ‘Ladebon’ [top-up voucher] field.
  5. Confirm by clicking the ‘Aufladen’ [top-up] button.

Redeeming top-up vouchers on your cell phone

  1. Dial *147*top-up voucher number# on your cell phone.
  2. Confirm by pressing the call key ✆.

Redeeming top-up vouchers by phone

  1. Call eety’s top-up hotline on 65 0 65.
  2. Dial the 16-digit top-up voucher number.
  3. Dial # to confirm.

Bringing your phone number with you

Keeping your old phone number and bringing it with you to eety is no problem.

  1. Log on to the account manager at selfcare.eety.at or in the app. 
  2. Select the ‘Rufnummer mitnehmen’ [port phone number] menu item.
  3. Select your previous operator (from which the phone number is being ported).
  4. Indicate whether you already have an NÜVI [number porting information from old provider].
  5. Enter the number to be ported twice.
  6. Enter your customer details.
  7. If you already have an NÜVI, upload it.
  8. If you do not already have an NÜVI (only possible if you are a private customer of the current operator), upload a copy of your identification document. It is important to note that you must have a credit balance of EUR 10 with your old operator.
  9. Click ‘Meine Nummer übertragen’ [port my number].
  10. Done! You will receive an email and a text message with the expected date on which your phone number will be ported to eety.

Make calls and surf at low prices with eety!

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Versandpartner: DPD